

一款同时兼容 AR 和 VR 功能的沉浸式全息头戴一体机。

CES 落幕,AR 和 VR 不出意料地成为今年的主角,根据 CES 官方数据,今年的游戏和虚拟现实展区相比去年总扩大了 77%,超过 40 家展商带来了虚拟现实硬件或内容。Oculus 在 1 月 6 日开启了 Rift CV1 消费者版的预订;HTC 发布了 Vive VR 第二代开发者套件 Vive Pre,并透露 Vive 消费者版会在今年 4 月份上市;三星发布了新款 Gear VR 以及配套 VR 耳机……


成立于 2013 年 10 月的深圳公司 CAPUTER LABS(智帽科技)在 CES 上发布了他们的最新产品 HOLOSEER,一款同时兼容 AR 和 VR 功能的沉浸式全息头戴一体机。


相较于微软 Hololens 的 30° 可视角度,HOLOSEER 的可视角度达到了 100°,是目前可视角度最大的 VR 头戴设备,据称可提供全视野 AR 体验。

在 AR 成像技术方面,HOLOSEER 与 Hololens、Oculus Rift、Google Glass 等设备有很大不同,它通过高分辨率全息投影源和光学透镜,将全息图像投射到前部的弧形半透「屏幕」上,从而在真实视野上叠加清晰、生动的虚拟影像。

HOLOSEER 还可以作为 VR 设备使用,支持现有的 VR 应用和 VR 内容。

在交互方面,HOLOSEER 内置了能够识别头部动作的运动传感器、跟踪眼部运动的摄像头,结合语音控制,让用户可以不需要「动手」就能实现对交互和控制。

 CES 上正在体验 HOLOSEER 的记者

在 CES 上大放异彩的 CAPUTER LABS 即将从拉斯维加斯返回深圳,球盟会登录入口网页版将继续关注 CAPUTER LABS 和他们的 HOLOSEER,带来产品的实际体验评测和这个团队的成长故事。



Seer 还没完成生产,就搞HoloSeer。 我定的Seer 已经4个月还没送来,也没消息。Email也没回复。你是再骗咋们的钱吗!

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陳壹零 2016-01-19 18:32


2016-01-21 10:53


回复 @ 2016-01-21 11:01

希望如此, 因为我不是个BACKER, 我是从您的网站用PAYPAL向侯柏丞订购您的产品。有关SEER的资料已经从网站撤除,没收到任何email update讯息, 而且INVOICE上显示会在2015九月份交货。请发email跟顾客交代。


Devon Montano, if you are reading this, can you explain what is the latest update is saying on Kickstarter, or perhaps copy/paste it here? Because Caputer is not sending emails to the rest of the funders outside of kickstarter campaign.

2016-01-22 11:53

The last 2 updates that they have sent us. January 13, 2016 Dear Backers, It is a big regret that you were unable to share any information with us about the planned release of HOLOSEER prototype prior to CES 2016. As you may understand, our primary investors asked the HOLOSEER team to keep the HOLOSEER project a top secret over the past months. However, we could have left to you supporters more implications about the existence of HOLOSEER at least several hours before the opening of CES 2016. We are very sorry, although SEER team is making constant efforts to overcome the manufacture difficulties which you know from our previous statements, the introduction of mass production is so slow that the SEER headsets are not deliverable until the widely reported release of HOLOSEER prototype at CES 2016 in the last week. We promise that the SEER team should keep communicating with all you SEER supporters about the SEER manufacture issues including optical mould failure and possible refabrication, especially those who still want to wait for the success of SEER. Best regards, Team SEER -------------------------------- December 4, 2015 Dear Backers: After processing the optical surface of the mould, we had completed the fabrication of the optical lens mould which risks were never underestimated. Then a pilot production of the plastic lens has been prepared and run until the produced free-form lens was found to be deformed. It is a big regret that the serious lens deformation may be caused by several adverse factors. To identify the mould failure, we carefully reviewed the mould design and the plastic injection process. We found the deformation could get improved in sever ways, such as uniform heating and cooling, uniform plastic stream around the inlets, controlled ripples, less external forces and a greater lens thickness. Therefore,we would first try to repair the mould and test new plastic injection processes. That means we should revise the mould design and re-machine the optical surface of the current mould. As re-polishing the mould surface is highly sophisticated, the repairing work has to be carried out at a state-of-the-art facility depending upon its availability determined by out sourcing partners. We estimate the phases of redesign and verification would take us two or three weeks, and the re-fabrication of the mould could take at least two more weeks. After that, another pilot lens production should be examined. A thicker free-form lens will be resulted and less deformation expected. To minimize the expenses and the risks, we hope you give a little more time to our team and our suppliers. We should discuss the solutions deeply with our partners, so that fine products will be delivered to you supporters. The good news is that we improved the coating technology and developed new suppliers. The new coating on the free-form lens comprised of two more layers, leading to a higher transmission rate, a sharper image display, and reduced finger prints contamination. We're sorry for the delay again, but we are always responsible to our supporters. Of course, we will offer you the high quality products. In the meanwhile, some greater technology is also under our development. We want to give more surprise to you supporters, and hope to have your constant support. Best regards, Team SEER




What is the latest update on kickstarter? I still havent receive the email.



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卫荣杰 2016-02-27 11:11



看了最近的IT時報,同意說Seer的VR技術不是山寨,但Seer AR大概還需要多久的時間才能進行生產?镀膜还在研究或修复中?等待您的消息……

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RyoNg 2016-03-19 12:34




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